Just because …
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The smell of the beans being freshly grinded the aroma that fills my kitchen the warmth of the cup in my hand the beauty of a handmade cup that was gifted to me by my longtime friend Kicki best way to start my day •  



Morning after chill The Swedes celebrate the summer solstice, as we call it Midsummer, and it is a B I G deal , with a May pole, dance, food, singing and snaps. First all the girls makes a flower wreath to carry on the head and


Capitol Records

This amazing Hollywood landmark has been home to some of the most incredible recording ever made! It was scheduled to be closed and converted to an office building, which would have been such a shame. The Capitol Records building is alive and well!! So excited that I got


golden boy

  That was a great show, thank you Ellen for making it so!! Here are some photos from the Governors Ball that my hubby took, he looks so fine in his tux, next year I go! xo/P